Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nak jadi macam Megan Fox?

Kau kenal Megan Fox? Apa? Tak kenal? Tipuuulah! Siapa tak kenal minah badan cun melecun nih! And I just wandered at Google how does Megan Fox do her workout kat sini! Tengok macam hardcore. Tapi tak buat lagi, tak tahu lah hardcore dia berapa percent! Huu.. So, aku Ctrl C & V sahaja kat sini.

Transformers Workout for a Megan Fox Body:

*Complete the following body weight circuit with absolutely NO rest in between exercises

1a. 45-degree lunges (instead of stepping straight out in front, step out and to the side at a 45-degree angle, push off your heel back to start position and alternate) x 15 reps per leg

1b. Jumping jacks x 50 reps (fast as you can go, full range of motion)

1c. Push-ups x 12 reps (if you can’t do regular push-ups, do them off your knees until you get stronger)

1d. Lying hip extensions x 20 reps

1e. Burpees x 10 reps (no push-up at bottom, but include jump at top position)

1f. Squat jumps x 12 reps (explode through the jump; don’t sacrifice form on the lowering phase)

1g. Plank x 30 secs (keep back flat, abs tight, body weight is on forearms and toes only)

1h. High knees x 30 secs (as fast as you can go, bringing knees up as high as possible)

*This is one circuit. Rest 90 secs and repeat 1-3 times, depending on your fitness level.

Err.. Aku tak buat lagi. Sebab baru je google kan. Hehe. Dinasihatkan untuk insan yang mampu je ye. Try slow-slow pun takpe bagi insan yang tak berapa mampu macam aku ni. Ngeh! Aku siap kasi link youtube tu ha kot-kotla korang tak tahu exercise dia macam mana kan.. (macam aku jugak). Tapi, janganlah workout sampai korang ada ketul-ketul macam bodybuilder tu. Semacam je aku tengok! Hah! Yang penting, sila jaga DIET ya! Itu jangan lupa! (macam la aku jaga diet). Kalau nak buat, eloknya twice a week. Depends la korang nak buat hari apa kan. Aku pun baru nak try esok. Hehe. Selamat ber-workout!

Nota kaki : anda dinasihatkan untuk membaca testimoni kat link Megan Fox aku kasi tu. Semua cakap macam elok. Ada juga dia kasi link untuk workout Jessica Alba. Semua hot-hot youuu! Tak tahan! Kat sini ya kalau nak tengok!

2 komen yang bernas?:

Pja Ismail said...

I nak jadi Megan Lion or Megan Elephant lah. Besar sikit. HAHAHA

ME said...

Megan Dino? Lagi besaaaaaaaaaqq! HAHA! LOL