Saturday, February 7, 2009

i've been tagged again! wth?! ;S

1) Do u think you're hot?
yeah! I do think so. I'm hot. why? jealous? haha.. ;D

2) Upload your favourite picture of you!
I've a bad illness.. penyakit M. do u really know what it is? haha.. MALAS. so, I also MALAS nak upload.

3) Why do you like that picture?
coz, I'm a lil cutie.. OMG! :p

4) When the last time you ate pizza?
Errrr.... I'm trying to remember when the exact time & date I ate.. ?.?)

5) The last song you listened to?
Selamat Ulang Tahun by Imran Ajmain.. oh, dat's sooooo jiwangks!

6) What are you doing now beside this?
Nothin'.. Just doing this tagged yang bodo ni..

7) What name would you prefer besides yours?
Penyakit M datang.. MALAS to think bout something heavily..

'MEREKA' yg akan ditag adalah seperti berikut :

8)Who is number 1?
Nani? Hm, she's one of my ex-clasmates. & always ask for my help to edit her pics.. Miahaha :D

9) Number 3 is having a relationship with?
Dzis? Hm.. Can I say dat she's having a relationship with me? (I'm serious).. Well, yeah! We're having a BFF relationship! BESTFRIENDFOREVER.. heh ;p

10) Say something about number 5

I would to say.... FATH! I LOVE U DAMN MUCH! Hahaha.. Dont get me wrong okay.. (I'm not lesbo anyway..) I love her as my BFF too! Kan Fath? :)

11) How about number 4?
Shera.. She's one of my ex-clasmates too.. Hamidians la kan.. & she doesn't have any boys in her siblings! OMG! perempuan semua.. But, Shera looks like a boy!(gaya je..) Why? Hahaha.. Sory Shera.. U look ganas la.. Ngeh3.. Joking meyh.. Ampun Maaf ye ;D

12) Who is number 2?
Nur Atiqah binti Halimi.. Am I right sis? Hehe.. She's my cousin.. Busy doing with her bussineses, I think so.. yeah, her perfumes & choc making.. (sape2 nak take oder buley..hehe)
Cun girl, sempoi & quite quiet girl (for whose yang xkenal..), or can I state that dia seorang a lil bit shy.. Miahaha :D

**I dont have any ideas since I'm blurry right now.. Yes.. Feel sooo sleepy.. & I dont think that I'm anwsering this tagged correctly.. Sorry for all those inconvenience words or statements.. Huhu.. ;)

7 komen yang bernas?:

Anonymous said...

woi xleh blah btol sume gara2 format laptop ah.hilang sume photoshop ape.sile buat correction

ME said...

haha.. nani.. gmba ko da siap.. tp ak xsend thru emel lg.. hikhik.. bz sket.. tenet kt hostel bodo.. haha.. dok umah lak bejalan jek.. mlm kang ak send k.. :D

Anonymous said...

pujian melambung2 pape ker?
pendiam tu statement yg salah..

ME said...

huhu.. sis! mst la ad pape melambung2 kte puji ni.. huhu.. nk perfume satu!! DKNY punye! nak2! for freeee :D

Anonymous said...

haha.. dzuli, mmg yg t'baik ar ko..
aku admit la part yg aku ni cm boy..
nway, rjin btul la ko mtagged2 org ni..
xpe.. nntkn kmunculanku..

dAkBaiK said...


ME said...

~shera : hehe.. thx shera for ur compliment again.. i luv it when u say 'dzuli, mmg yg t'baik ar ko..'
haha.. ;p

~dakbaik : :)